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Saturday, September 2, 2017

Standing strong with Alex.

Two years ago, I started this blog as a place to share my thoughts on the disparaging remarks made by the women on the talk show The View about nurses. Back then, I believed we, nurses, were on the path to educating the public as to what nurses do. Unfortunately, that has not progressed as much as I had dreamed of.

When the ANA posted a video of a Utah nurse being intimidated and arrested for advocating for an unconscious severely injured patient, I was outraged. How could this happen? I joined in on Facebook with strong remarks and a posting of my own.

I was dumbfounded that this story was delivered nearly last on the national news, behind gas prices and another tragic frat hazing. It seemed like the network executives threw that in, and only because it was blowing up on social media.

Think about this: what if you were that man burned and unconscious in a hospital? A police officer arrives demanding to take your blood sample. You are not under arrest, there is no court ordered warrant. You cannot give consent even if you were asked.

You can and should expect your nurse to protect you and your rights. That is what Alex Wubbels did. And for that she was manhandled and handcuffed. Then, a police supervisor arrives and continues to intimidate her, insisting he knows more about the law and she should do what she is told.

I feel we were watching 2 men who felt their badge gave them authority that should not be questioned. If they were within their rights, why did they not wait for the hospital legal and administrative team arrive to discuss?

I believe this is not only a gender issue, but an issue of hierarchy.  I can only wonder if they would have treated a male doctor with the same disrespect.  Nurses and women have not gained the respect they deserve in our society. We need to make it clear we will not stand for this.

 All nursing organizations, like the ANA and the Utah Nurses organization, need to publish very strong statements criticising this behavior and demand protection of  nurses advocating for patients. Law enforcement organizations should acknowledge that this is NOT acceptable behavior.

Legislators, you must create laws protecting nurses. By doing so, you protect your constituency. This is about making hospitals safe havens for the most vulnerable, the sick and injured.

I hope we don't have to organise a march of the  stethoscope wearing 3 million strong who not only give comfort but protect you when you need it most. But we will, if that is what it takes to keep our patients safe.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

National Patient Safety Awareness Week

This week, March 12-18, 2017 is  National Patient Safety Awareness Week. Recently, I  took the pledge for Patient Safety  and I encourage you to do so too, by taking the Healthcare Professional Pledge , "I pledge to strive to implement and follow the practices that increase the safety of my patients and my team". This is an initiative of the National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF).

These 2 very important leaders in health care improvement and policy have chosen this week to announce that the  Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and the NPSF have agreed to merge.  This is fantastic! These 2 organizations are working hard to improve patient care, and supports the importance of clinicians' role in identify systems' breakdown. See their video here IHI-NPSF-Announce-Merger.

These are tough times for health care. With so much unknown about what the future will look, and no matter what your political view is, we can all agree it is time to join forces and focus on what is most important. Patients! Every one of us got into to healthcare because we want to help people, and we want the best for our patients. Let's continue to work together.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Guest Post on

I would like to Thank Brittney Wilson, The Nerdy Nurse, for having me as her guest post on her blog.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Missing: nurses on governing boards

As a member of my state nursing association, I pay attention to the emails alerting me to legislation that is important to nursing. Recently, I was asked to send a letter to my state representative and senator asking them to endorse a bill that would require the governor to appoint a registered nurse to the Governing Board of the Health Policy Commission. This seems like a no brainer to me.

What I find frustrating is that nurses are not routinely invited to the board which makes policy decisions in health care. Why is that, I wonder?

Two years ago, the home health agency I worked for was integrated into a new Division that included a clinic and the ED. On that board of directors were physicians and physician's assistants. The VNA was 1/3 of this division and yet, the COO of the Division, formerly the VP of the VNA (an RN) and the Director of the VNA (an RN) were not on the board, nor were any Nurse Practitioners from the ED or the clinic.

I found this to be unacceptable, so I wrote to the President of the Division:  "As a home care nurse, I am excited to hear that (division's) goal is to provide “integrated, seamless care". We, in home care, have been trying to overcome working in silos to better serve our patients for quite some time. At (the VNA), we have been working diligently to improve care for our patients and our providers. I would like know why nursing is missing as a colleague at the board of directors? If we are to "achieve our goal as  a team", shouldn't the team be representative of all the service providers? Certainly, our home care division should be represented on this board, I can't imagine why it is not."

His reply: "Your question raises a great point as we build the (Division)  into an organization that focuses on improving the transitions of care in an effort to improve our patients outcomes and care experience.  I want you to know that I feel the Home Care Division will play a very important role in helping us achieve this vision and is currently represented at each Board Meeting.  The COO of the Division and former VP of the Home Care Division is in attendance at each Board Meeting and just recently we have invited the VNA Director to attend all future Board meetings.  Both the Board Chair, and myself will be working closely with (them) to ensure “the voice” of the Home Care Division is heard at our Board meetings and is an integral part of our strategic plans moving forward.
As we continue to build this new enterprise, we will also be looking at the Board structure and its members to ensure it is aligned with the vision we are trying to achieve.    I will certainly carry your suggestion forward as we do this work."

I checked again today, the VNA is no longer under that division and has reverted to its own division, as it was before the changes. I checked all of the Boards that lead the organization, lots of doctors but no nurses to represent the 1,500 nurses within the organization.  Apparently, it must be legislated to get nurses at the table. Excuse me, I believe it's time to email my legislators.

 3/9/17 Update: Today, I received a newsletter from the organization I was referring to in this post. I am thrilled to report, the organization has elected a nurse working at the organization to the board of trustees. Progress is being made!